Discussing the Benefits of a Daily Routine

We recognise and understand the importance of learning through play, especially for children. We believe that play is a fundamental way for children to explore, learn, and develop essential skills. Every aspect of play serves a purpose, and it guides children towards physical, intellectual, emotional, and social growth and development and in essence; it holds their hands and guides them into being capable and well-rounded individuals.  

Our commitment is all about creating a positive environment where play and learning combine.  We are proud of the diverse array of activities that we offer that are carefully created to engage children both indoors and outdoors. Engagement and being inclusive is so very important to us here at Little Sneakers Childcare and we welcome children with varying needs and abilities, and we ensure that every child feels welcomed, supported and happy. 

Having a structure to our days is crucial for many reasons. Routine gives children a sense of safety and stability and it helps them feel comfortable and confident. Knowing the routine not only reduces anxiety but as mentioned it creates that feeling of safety meaning the child can focus on play, learning and exploration.  

Routines are also a great way for us to teach the children some very important life skills such as being organised, time management and self-discipline and they are a great way to create and offer a sense of belonging, a sense of working together and an element of responsibility; that builds and develops interaction, co-operation, patience and kindness. Within this post we explore our typical morning routine and why having one is so important for children, 

The Importance of Daily Routines

A routine is great for both staff and the children as we all know what the day entails. Having said that, there is always something new and exciting that we introduce to the routine in terms of learning and play; making sure the routine and content is always fresh and new. This approach not only maintains engagement and enthusiasm but also builds a dynamic and stimulating environment conducive to growth and development.

One thing we pride ourselves on here at Little Sneakers Childcare is setting ourselves clear objectives and goals for every element of the routine; making sure all child learning and development needs are met. This can include new topics to learn about, learning the basics of maths, learning to love the outdoors during our garden time or simply how much mess we can make whilst creating masterpieces using paint. We do ensure that we also incorporate quiet time, and this is always part of our story time as well as quiet based activities. 

Having said that, we also include noise-based activities which includes singing, dancing and making musical instruments. Everything we can create and include within our routine is about letting the children explore their creativity and their interests and develop their confidence.  Throughout our routine and the activities within it, we are aware of and therefore incorporate the key school skills into as much as possible. These include motor skills, recognising numbers and letters and using a pencil.

Independent exploration is a great activity to develop self-confidence and works well with role and imaginative play activities as these are a great way to aid language development and communication skills. Mark making helps children through a range of media including paint, water, sand and pencils and the meaning that the children give them. 

Offering children the ability to be creative is a great way to provide them with the opportunity to explore and communicate ideas, thoughts and experiences in their own way and this leads nicely into them exploring science and using their inquisitive minds. Finally, we introduce children to a wide variety of foods and their benefits through cooking.

Little Sneakers Childcare

At Little Sneakers Childcare, we embrace the philosophy of ‘in the moment planning‘. We recognise that young children are naturally curious and eager to learn. Therefore, we provide a safe and secure environment that prioritises child-initiated play and learning, building opportunities for engagement and development.
Our childcare services cater to children aged 12 weeks to 5 years, operating Monday to Friday from 8am to 6pm, 51 weeks a year. To learn more about our programs and enrollment, feel free to contact us today at 01527 523 279 or via email at lo*******@sn******************.uk.

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